Dr. Rodino’s contributions to Psychology in the media are listed below:
Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Media Psychology – 2010
Distinguished Contribution to Los Angeles County Psychological Association – 2000
Consulting Psychologist. A Desperate Exit: The Story of Teen Suicide, ABC
After School Special. A MartinTahse Production. Aired September, 1986.
American Psychological Association, Speaking of Psychology: The Holiday Blues, with Elaine Rodino, Ph.D.. Interview with Kim Mills. Posted Nov. 24, 2020.

Quoted in the following articles:
Struggling during the holiday season? You’re not alone, Dec 29, 2023, by Tessa Kauppila
How to Spark Stress-Free Conversations During the Holidays:Follow these tips to curb tension-inducing talk and boost gratitude-centric exchanges at this season’s social gatherings, Dec. 7, 2023, BY KAREN HUGG
TALKING TURKEY ABOUT THE HOLIDAY BLUES, November 20, 2023, by Herb Weiss
Decorate For The Holidays Early and it Might Improve Your Mood. Nov. 27, 2023, Sam Walters.
A Few Small Ways to Fight the Holiday Blues, Greater Good Magazine, Jill Suttie, December 23, 2022.
It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like F*uck This: Hating Christmas is OK, actually. Normal, even. But every December it hits me all over again. By Audra Heinrichs, Jezebel, December 9, 2022.
Christmas Creep is Real: As a Parent I Find That the Pressure Starts Earlier Every Year. Janine Annett, Nov 6, 2022.
Psychologist Elaine Rodino’s Tips on those Holiday Blues, Herb Weiss, Dec. 19, 2022. Rhode Island News Today.
Don’t Toss the Gravy: Tips for Staying Calm During Thanksgiving When Your Relatives Have Trash Politics, Page Leggett, November 23, 2020.
Bah, Humbug! Pandemic Exacerbates Holiday Blues, Washington Blade, Nov. 22, 2020. Kathi Wolfe.
Marketwatch. Here’s How to Conquer Holiday Depression and Stress, Meera Jagannathan, December 5, 2018.
APA. Why the Holidays Are More Than Gifts, and What to Tell Your Kids to Keep Gift-Related Stressing Off the Holiday To-Do List. APA, TaNoah Morgan, Dec. 7, 2018.
Considerable.com. 5 Ways to Have More Energy This Holiday Season: It’s Not Just the Batteries That Run Down This Time of Year. MoneyWatch, De. 12, 2018. Kristen Sturt.
APA. How to Help Grieving Friends and Family Members During Holidays and all year long. TaNoah Morgan, APA, Support That Works, December 18, 2018.
Buzzfeed. Yes, “Holiday Blues are Real, But They Don’t Last Forever. BuzzFeed, Dan Vergano, Dec. 22, 2018.
ApartmentTherapy.com, Why You Feel So Sad After the Holidays (and What to Do About It), Maddy Sims, Jan 3, 2018,
GetOld.com, Health & Wellness. “6 Ways to Find Joy When the Holidays Make You Blue”, Kate Silver, December 8, 2017.
Health.com, “The Best Responses to Prying Personal Questions you Don’t Want to Answer, “ Julia Naftulin, November 17, 2017.
Health.com, “This YouTube Star Gave Her Husband the Silent Treatment for 2 Weeks to Save their Marriage”, Julia Naftulin, November 17, 2017
Tampa Bay Times, Learn to curb holiday stress before it starts, Irene Maher, November 10, 2016.
Elaine Rodino, a Pennsylvania psychologist, said you know it’s a problem if you’re taking too much time to choose each gift. “You feel like the gift, and often the wrapping, is a major reflection on you.”
Southern California NPR, 5 ways to enjoy Thanksgiving alone, Julia Paskin and Audrey Ngo | Take Two. November 22, 2016.
Take Two’s Alex Cohen spoke with psychologist Elaine Rodino. She offered up some advice on how to make the best of a Thanksgiving alone.
Social Media mentions:
#HolidayStress Twitter Chat. Holiday Stress. Mayo Clinic, Elaine Rodino, Ph.D., Joshua Klapow, Ph.D., Mary Brophy Marcus (interviewer). December 19, 2014
The AWL, And Now She’s Gone: Goodbye to America’s Last Expert. Kathleen Collins, May 16th, 2013. (Re: Dr. Joyce Brothers) americas last expert.
Dental Products Report, Winter Blahs Got You Down? Here’s How to Turn Those Winter Blues Into Cold-Weather Successes, by Renee Knight, Senior Editor, January 31, 2013. http://ow.ly/hiGmy
The Columbus Dispatch: Tips to Cope: Holiday Cheer can pass quickly, by Jennifer Smith Richards. December 29, 2012. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/12/29/holiday-cheer-can-pass-quickly.html
The New York Times: The New Old Age: Caring and Coping, In the Middle: Helping Unhappy Coulples, by Susan Seliger.
Woman’s Day.com, Navigating the Holidays Alone: Learn how to love being single as the year comes to a close. Stephanie Emma Pfeffer, November 2012. http://www.womansday.com/sex-relationships/dating-marriage/holidays-alone
Inside Dentistry, Difficult Patients, Ellen Meyer, Published by AEGIS Communications, http://www.dentalaegis.com/id/2012/09/getting-the-best-out-of-your-worst-patients, Vol.8, Issue 9, September 2012.
YOUbeauty.com, Coping with Holiday Loneliness, http://www.youbeauty.com/mind/coping-with-holiday-loneliness , Jeanette Leardi, December 5, 2011.
Rodale.com. Is Your City in the Bedbug Top 10?
In America’s most bedbug-infested cities, panic attacks about bedbugs are common, but there are ways to cope, both with the bugs and the anxiety they trigger. September 2, 2010, Emily Main.
EmpowHER.com Women’s Health Online, Avoid Post-Holiday Depression: Be Realistic. Rheyanne Weaver, December 30, 2009.
LATIMES.com, Surviving the Holiday Season in Good Form, Jeannine Stein, November 22, 2009.
Chicagotribune.com, Single Survival During the Holidays: How to survive (and even enjoy) the family celebrations when you’re flying solo, Richard Asa, November 15, 2009.
Traveling with Holiday Depression: Experts Share Tips for Dealing with Holiday Blues Away From Home, WebMD Feature, Joseph Saling, September 2009.
PAUSE Magazine: Stress, Cathy Cassata, Spring-Summer 2009
W Magazine.Com Me, Myself and I, Emily Holt, December 2007.
Savannahnow.com: Make Your Holidays Happier: Give Up The Quest For The Perfect Gift. Rebecca Boone, Associated Press. November 9, 2006.
TBO:com Holidays: Give Up The Quest For The Perfect Gift. Rebecca Boone of the Associated Press. Nov. 8, 2006.
LHJ.com [Ladies Home Journal], Confessions of Real-Life Desperate Housewives: Meet the flesh-and-blood women who share their most “desperate” thoughts and moments with us”. Elizabeth Blackwell, January 9, 2005.
Bhg.com [Better Homes and Gardens], Dealing with the Caregiver Blues: How to Cope and Find Support When a Parent Lives With You, Laura Broadwell, March 29, 2004
Wall Street Journal It Happened One Flight, article by CAMILLE RICKETTS, December 16, 2006; Page P6
On-Line Health and Wellness Magazine, New Orleans Athletic Club, Your Family, Taking the Bite Out of Dentistry, Feb. 2004
WebMD Health, Depression, Early Perimenopause Linked, Jan. 13, 2003
Yahoo! News, Some People Love to Hate Valentine’s Day, Feb. 13, 2003
CBSMarketWatch.com: Home for the Holidays – Reluctantly. Nov. 2002
AHN.COM – America’s Health Network – “Back to Work” causing holiday blues,” Jan. 7, 1999.
ABCNEWS.com: Home and harried for the Holidays. Dec. 1998
Quoted in the following articles:
Mentor: Knowledge is Sales Power, Getting Them in the Door: Why Insured Patients Ditch the Dentist – And How to Woo them Back, by Courtney Farmer, May 2016.
Valley, www.valleymagazinepsu.com, Your Plate or Mine: Is your diet affected by your relationship? Alyssa Blanco, Fall 2011.
All You Magazine, Stress Less This Holiday Season: don’t endure another December stretched too thin. Be joyful with these tips. Emily Hendricks Turnier, December 18, 2009.
Los Angeles Times, Surviving the Holiday Season in Good Form, Jeannine Stein, Nov. 22, 2009. (see online article)
Chicago Tribune, Single Survival During the Holidays, Richard Asa, Nov. 15, 2009. (see online article)
PAUSE Magazine: Stress, Cathy Cassata, Spring-Summer 2009
Los Angeles Times Faced with a different kind of depression, Denise Gellene, Oct. 8, 2008.
W Magazine Me, Myself and I, Emily Holt, December 2007.
Santa Monica Daily Press. Spanking Is Debate At Hand, Melody Hanatani, Jan. 30, 2007
Daily Herald, Make Your Holidays Happier: Give Up the Quest for a Perfect Gift. Rebecca Boone of the Associated Press. Nov. 23, 2006.
Vitality, You Can Banish The Holiday Blues, Barbara Floria, December, 2005.
Monitor On Psychology, When Health Fears Hurt, M. Dittmann Volume 36, No. 7 July/August 2005. pg 100.
New York Times, Magazine, Isms and Phobias, William Safire, May 15, 2005.
New York Times, Anatomy of Hope: For Parents, the Unthinkability of Letting Go, Benedict Carey, March 20, 2005
Cosmopolitan, Quick Lift: Mini Kiss Bliss, December 2004
The Wall Street Journal, The Heavy Side of September, September 10, 2004
Los Angeles Times, Easy Measures Can Keep Fear of Germs From Becoming Toxic, Travel Section, March 7, 2004.
Los Angeles Times, Life on Shaky Ground, January 15, 2004.
Woman’s World, Anxiety, January 6, 2004.
The Plain Dealer, Tips on Keeping the Peace when the Family Gathers, December 7, 2003.
Los Angeles Times, Keeping Peace in the Family, Dec. 1, 2003, pg. F1
Los Angeles Times, That Gift Anxiety Isn’t So Crazy, Dec. 23, 2002, pg, F1
Woman’s World, The Mini-test That Makes Marriages Happier, July 2002.
Ladies Home Journal, Kids Right Now: Great Expectations, December 2001.
Glamour, How I Ruined Christmas: A Cautionary Tale, December 2001.
Investors Business Daily, Holiday Blues, November 2000.
For the Bride, When Live-in Lovers Marry, Spring 2000.
Woman’s World, What Clothes Reveal, Feb. 2000.
Los Angeles Times, Extended Family Trips Close the Generation Gap, Nov. 21, 1999.
Men’s Health, Your Mother: A Survival Guide, May, 1999.
Daily Breeze, Here’s the Buzz: Public is Thinking About Killer Bees, April 25, 1999.
Family Circle, Yes I Can, Sept 1, 1998.
McCall’s, Show me the Presents, Feb. 1998
Correspondent, Jan/Feb, 1998
(Aid Assoc. for Lutherans) Difficult Discussions, Tackling the taboo topic
Daily Breeze, Dec. 22, 1996
Alternative Christmas: What do you do when you can’t go home for the holidays?
Brides, June/July 1996
The Two of You, Trouble Ahead? How to Know If You Need Prewedding Counseling.
Glamour, December 1995
Five Tactics to Survive the Family Get-Together.
Taking Care, December 1995
Stress Busters: 15 Tips to a Better December
L.A. Times, November 19, 1995
They Deliver but Don’t Dish – Secrets, That Is. Experiences of Express Delivery Persons
APA Monitor, September 1995
Elderly Population Growth Spurs Specialty Practices.
L.A. Times, August 29, 1995.
Doctors’ Authority, Pay Dwindle Under HMOs. The Health Care Revolution, Remaking Medicine in California. One in a series.
Bridal Guide, January 1995.
His Friends.
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company: Physicians Life Insurance Company Newsletter, Winter, 1994,
Holiday Blues Got You Down? Turn Your Humbug Sneer Into Holiday Cheer.
Investors’ Business Daily, November,1994
How to Cope with Holiday Stress, Strain
Los Angeles Times, June 15,1994
Stern’s (Howard) Healthy Take on Miscarriage
Los Angeles Times, May 11,1994
Few Doubts About Mrs. Doubtfire
The Boston Globe, May 5, 1994
Missing the Mothers They Never Had
L.A. Parent, April 1994
Much Ado About Money
Bride’s, December 1992/January 1993
Holiday Stress
Sesame Street Parents, November 1993
Holiday Survival Guide
Parent Care: Advisor, February, 1993
You Can Enlist you Children’s Help as Caregivers, To
National Fitness Magazine, December 1992
Post-Holiday Blues
The Boston Globe, October 15,1992
Helping Kids Cope with Ailing Grandparents
The Boston Globe, December 20,1991
Heading Off the Holiday Blues
Health Action Newsletter, December 1991
Happy Holidays
USA Today, April 18,1991
California dreaming may be reality today. Largest lottery jackpot and emotional reactions
Changes Magazine (Interview, June,1990)
Holiday Stress as related to Adult Children of Alcoholics
The Cable Guide, August, 1990
The Discovery Channel and the popularity of The Shark Series
Mature Health, December,1989
Holiday Stress
Los Angeles Herald Examiner, November 1985
A Season of Joy and Stress
Los Angeles Times, November, 1984
Holiday Blues: Depression and Suicide
USA Today, December,1989
Divorce Behavior as related to films “War of the Roses” and “She Devil”
USA Today, December,1989,
Post Holiday Depression
San Francisco Examiner, November, 1989
Phobias relating to Watsonville Earthquake of October 17th and Bridge Opening
Changing Times, November,1989
Beating the Holiday Blues
Rx Healthline, October,1989
Consultant on Psychological Issues
New Woman Magazine, September,1989
Women in Powerful Careers
Los Angeles Times, April,1988
USA Today, November, 1987
Recently Divorced and Separated and Holiday Issues
Los Angeles Herald Examiner, June,1986
Test Your Personality at a Salad Bars (a humorous side to salad bar behavior)

KPCC – Confidentiality: Managed Care and Information Requirements, Sept 28, 1999
KGIL – Carol Hemingway News Talk, January, 1988
Post-Holiday Blues
KPWR– News Feature, January,1988, Common Fears
KACE-FM – Interview, December,1982
Holiday Blues and Effects of Drinking on Depression
Golden Mike Productions, December, 1982
Holiday Blues, 3 minute segment aired nationally on 100 radio stations
KISS-FM – November,1982
Computerized Toys and Creativity
KNX-FM – December,1981
Tom McKay, 30 minute segment on Holiday Depression and Suicide

Adelphia Cable, “Saving the American Dream” TV Show
Mark Isler, June 6, 2005 & June 13, 2005.
ABC-TV, Home Improvement, Consultation, 1995-96.
Cable, Public Access – 1988-1989
L.A. Psychology Media Production Committee of Los Angeles County Psychological Association
NBC-TV, 6 O’Clock News, December, 1982, Holiday Depression and Suicide
Channel 13, 9 O’Clock News, September,1982, Music: Its Effects on Teens
ABC-TV, 5 O’Clock News, December 1981, Special on Holiday Blues